The first of its kind, BTI College has rolled out a 12-module in-depth course on Islamic sacco Expertise.

The course which is expected to take a period of 12 months has the under-listed module

  1. Module 1: Fundamentals of Islamic Finance
  2. Module 2: The Islamic Sacco
  3. Module 3: Liability Products of Islamic Sacco’s
  4. Module 4: Asset Products of Islamic Sacco’s
  5. Module 5: Service-Based Products in Islamic Sacco
  6. Module 6: Product Development Process and Creation of Islamic Windows
  7. Module 7: Shari’ah and Governance in Islamic Sacco’s
  8. Module 8: Operation of Islamic Sacco and Shari’ah Monitoring Process
  9. Module 9: Risks in Islamic Saccos
  10. Module 10: Research and Development
  11. Module 11: Sales and Marketing
  12. Module 12: Current Trends in Islamic Finance Industry

Here are more details about the course:



MODE: Online

FEE: Kes.60,000

LAUNCH: 5th November 2023 via Google meet.

Self paced Learning with private tutor. Distance learning with two live classes every month.


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