This is the first of the four levels of Arabic language course at Buruuj Training Institute. This level covers basics of Arabic such as alphabet, Vowels, joining the letters, Tanwin (double vowel), Muduud (long vowels), Sukuun (no vowel), similar letters, Numbers and greetings & introductions in Arabic, days of the week, months of the year, colors, animals and birds.
This lesson covers the Arabic Alphabet.
The history of the Buruuj Training Institute (BTI) dates back to July 2006, when its predecessor, the TJ Computer College, commenced training in Sotik Town, Bomet County. In 2008, TJ computer college relocated to Nairobi.
+254 020 8000600
Helena Road, Ongata Rongai - Kajiado
Po Box 103384 – 00101, Nairobi
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