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  • Description
  • Curriculum


Hello student, and welcome to this module in Foundations of Human Resource Management.

This course is suitable for aspiring HR managers and/or managers at the top and middle levels. It is also important to entrepreneurs because almost all successful businesses require at least one employee. As an entrepreneur or a business manager, you require an understanding of various concepts of human resource management.

In this Foundations of Human Resource Management unit, you also need to learn how HR managers carry out a job analysis. You must know how to analyze a job in order to ensure that it fits the organizational strategy and goals.

After analyzing the job, HR managers carry out recruitment and selection to bring in the best talents that match the needs and specifications of each job. We then go on to the step of placement and induction where you learn to bring your new hires on board.

Once the new employees have been integrated into the organization, HR managers will want to know whether they are good at what they are doing. If an employee is not performing as expected, then there must have been a mistake in his selection. That is why there must be a performance appraisal which measures employees’ performance against the company’s standards.

Training will then be proposed to help employees improve on areas where they are not performing well. They should also be rewarded for good performance.

But what happens several years later when the employee has accomplished his tasks and wishes to leave the organization? Good employers do not just dump their employees like sacks of rotten potatoes. That is why we will finally look at the process of employee mobility and separation.

Welcome to this Diploma course module in Foundations of Human Resource Management. Here is an outline of what you are expected to learn.

Topic 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management

  • Meaning of human resource management
  • Role of human resource management
  • Functions of human resource management in an organization
  • Structure of human resource management department
  • Evolution of Human resource management

Topic 2: Human Resource Policy

  • Meaning of human resource policy
  • Importance of human resource policies in an organization
  • Process of formulating human resource policy
  • Factors to consider when formulating human resource policy
  • Policy areas in human resource management

Topic 3: Human Resource Records

  • Meaning of human resource records
  • Importance of human resource records
  • Types of human resource records
  • Use of computerized human resource records
  • Meaning of human resource management information systems (HRMIS)
  • Importance of HRMIS
  • Emerging Issues and Trends in human Resource Records

Topic 4: Human Resource Planning (HRP)

  • Meaning of Human Resource Planning
  • Importance of Human Resource Planning
  • Human Resource Planning Process
  • Techniques of Forecasting Human Resource Needs
  • Challenges in Human Resource Planning
  • Emerging Issues and Trends in Human Resource Planning

Topic 5: Job Analysis

  • Meaning of Job Analysis
  • Importance of Job Analysis
  • Process of Job Analysis
  • Methods of Conducting Job Analysis
  • Importance of Job Analysis
  • Use of information obtained from Job Analysis
  • Components of Job Analysis
  • Techniques of Conducting Job Analysis
  • Job specification and job description

Topic 6: Recruitment

  • Meaning of Recruitment
  • Purpose of recruitment
  • Sources of candidates for recruitment
  • Methods of employee recruitment
  • Challenges of recruitment
  • Emerging issues and trends in employee recruitment

Topic 7: Employee Selection

  • Meaning of Employee Selection
  • Employee selection process
  • Employee selection methods
  • Emerging issues and trends in employee selection

Topic 8: Placement and Induction

  • Meaning of placement
  • Meaning of induction
  • Importance of proper placement
  • Importance of employee induction
  • Employee induction process
  • Methods of employee induction

Topic 9: Employee Performance Appraisal

  • Meaning of Employee performance appraisal
  • Importance of employee performance appraisal
  • Tools used in performance appraisal
  • Process of performance appraisal
  • Methods of conduction employee performance appraisal
  • Challenges of performance appraisal

Topic 10: Employee Compensation

  • Meaning of terms used in employee compensation
  • Importance of employee compensation
  • Factors that determine or influences the levels of employee compensation
  • Components of an employee compensation package
  • Methods of employee compensation

Topic 11: Employee Training

  • Meaning of Employee Training
  • Importance of employee training
  • Process of employee training
  • Techniques of employee training
  • Methods of training employees

Topic 12: Employee Mobility and Separation

  • Meaning and terms used in employee mobility
  • Types of employee mobility
  • Meaning of terms used in employee separation
  • Employee separation methods

Topic 13: Emerging Issues and Trends

  • Emerging Issues and Trends
  • Challenges posed by emerging issues and trends
  • Ways of coping with challenges posed by emerging issues and trends.


The history of the Buruuj Training Institute (BTI) dates back to July 2006, when its predecessor, the TJ Computer College, commenced training in Sotik Town, Bomet County. In 2008, TJ computer college relocated to Nairobi.


  • +254 020 8000600

  • admissions@bti.ac.ke

  • info@bti.ac.ke

  • Helena Road, Ongata Rongai - Kajiado

  • Po Box 103384 – 00101, Nairobi


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