What is Project Planning?
Project planning is a discipline that focuses on how to complete a project in a certain timeframe, usually with defined stages and designated
Failure to plan is planning to fail
Project planning can be divided into four distinct stages:
setting measurable objectives
Supporting plans may encompass:
Facilitates communication and provides a central source of information for project personnel;
The three major parts of a project plan are the scope, budget, and timelines of the project.
Scope: The scope determines what a project team will and will not do. It takes the team’s vision, what stakeholders want and the customer’s requirements and then determines what’s possible. As part of defining the project scope, the project manager must set performance targets.
Budget: Project managers look at what manpower and other resources that
will be required to meet the project goals to estimate the project’s cost. Timeline: This is the length of time expected to complete each phase of the project and includes a schedule of milestones that will be met.
How to undertake Smart Planning?
Learn the fundamentals of Project Managements and planning.
The mid-course assessment is the write up about the learning points from the videos and the summary of two articles shared with you.
Please ensure your summary from articles fit into 2 pages maximum for each article.
For the videos you will be guided by the question under each video shared.
All the best!
Write up about the learning points from the videos and the summary of two articles shared with you.
Please ensure your summary from articles fit into 2 pages maximum for each article. For the videos you will be guided by the question under each video shared.
All the best!
The history of the Buruuj Training Institute (BTI) dates back to July 2006, when its predecessor, the TJ Computer College, commenced training in Sotik Town, Bomet County. In 2008, TJ computer college relocated to Nairobi.
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